What We Do
Since 2017, we have deployed capital with the intention of contributing to a radical shift in capitalism: a future where financial returns are not pursued at the expense of society and our planet, but help regenerate them to create a more just and sustainable world.
Our Approach
Armed with the above intention, we have been on a journey to create a portfolio where every dollar is intentionally deployed.
We strive to maximize impact, subject to the constraints of not taking undue risk, and of preserving our capital for future impact generation opportunities, whether through further impact investments or philanthropy. We do not have a fixed financial returns target, but after a preliminary impact assessment - which always comes before any other consideration - we form an opinion as to what return is adequate given the positive impact an investment can generate.
We invest primarily via fund managers who are dedicated to sustainable and impact investing, and are proven specialists in their field.
Our Strategy
With our investable capital, we want to contribute to the shift towards the Impact Economy by deploying an investment portfolio strategically focused on:
Mitigating climate change;
Transitioning away from exploitative supply chains and into regenerative growth; and
Reducing broad social and in particular gender/LGBTQI+ inequalities.
We selected these three areas of focus at the intersection of a) what the evidence tells us is needed to solve the world’s most severe and neglected problems at scale, b) what we feel passionate about, and c) what is realistically investable. We recognize that this portfolio goes a tiny part in contributing to the solutions, due to our limited capital, but can go a long way towards demonstrating to others that it is possible to assemble a beautifully diverse, return-seeking portfolio 100% aligned with impact goals.
With our time, we want to influence endowed institutions (nonprofits, foundations, pensions, etc.) to help them move their assets towards impact-seeking investments. We use our portfolio as an example of what other much larger pools of capital could do to achieve the positive impact we should all be striving for.
We also engage with philanthropic foundations that have the sole goal of maximizing impact through their grants or mission-related investments. This enables us to complement the impact of our investable portfolio with having influence on impact in other areas that are not investable for financial gain.Informally, we advise other families on how to become fellow peer pioneers in this journey. In particular, we have supported the Centre for Sustainable Finance and Private Wealth at the University of Zurich from its inception, in its mission to educate ‘next generation’ investors (i.e. young inheritors) on how to move more capital to sustainable finance and impact investing. The next generation stands to inherit trillions in the coming decades: ensuring they gain awareness of this privilege and use it for the greater good will be paramount to reduce global inequalities first, and then generate broader positive impact.
With our own philanthropic capital, we invest in a portfolio of grants that complement but not duplicate the efforts of our return-seeking capital, specifically:
Systems change grants to highly risky, grassroots, innovative activist structures and organizations that are critically underfunded;
Effective and efficient grants to proven, successful and impactful charities and research institutions;
A small percentage of emotional, non-strategic grants to issues that we feel personally close to (e.g. humanitarian aid, local community initiatives, etc.)
Finally, we recognize that governments still wield unparalleled power with their budgets and policy-making, and therefore we do get involved in politics especially around election times, as well as supporting advocacy for civil-liberties enhancing campaigns, especially for LGBTQI+ people, women, and people of color.