IMP Matrix Rating: C6
What: Bridges Social Outcomes II is a fund that structures pay-for-outcomes contracts for local British public administrations. It seeks to improve the efficiency of government social/welfare services provision, by simultaneously making delivery cheaper and more flexible, increasing the number of beneficiaries, implementing innovative approaches, and overall making the process more collaborative and accountable to impact. The government only pays if there is a measurable, positive change in social and health outcomes for its citizens who are most in need; if the program is not successful, investors take the risk.
This fund’s investments focus areas are health (including mental health), homelessness, and education.
Who: There are two distinct group of stakeholders affected: 1) Government services commissioners, who are now learning about transitioning from a pay-for-services to a pay-for-outcomes model, and 2) Children and adults across the UK, often with a specific gender lens, such as in the Pause investment (link below).
How Much Impact: Because this fund targets and measures outcomes directly by monetizing their value to the taxpayer, we can be quite confident that it will generate about 5-6x its invested amount in positive social outcomes, to reach about GBP 180-200 million in direct social/health value across the fund’s 10 year life. This is not counting the indirect impact that it could have on governments worldwide with respect to the value of paying for positive social outcomes. The number of direct beneficiaries, however, remains small (low single digit 1000s), although many of such beneficiaries will see their life radically changed as a result.
Our Contribution: We provided highly additional capital to help the fund reach its final close and provide the social services that would either not happen or happen to a much lesser extent for many beneficiaries.
Impact Risk: Social outcomes contracts are still an experimental asset class. We made this investment primarily with the intent to support Bridges in their pioneering efforts, which have the potential of transforming the world of impact investing into one that is truly accountable to positive impact. Therefore, we see impact risk in that social outcomes contracts do not become as widespread despite Bridges’ efforts at streamlining their delivery so that transactions costs can be minimized. And of course, each project might not reach their own impact targets, although this risk is quite limited given the expert organizations selected to deliver such programs.
Sample Investment: Pause for Change, a project that works with women who have experienced, or are at risk of, repeat removals of children from their care. Through an intense program of support, it aims to break this cycle and give women the opportunity to reflect, tackle destructive patterns of behavior, and to develop new skills and responses that can help them create a more positive future.