100% Sustainability is our ambition: to invest all of our capital to build the world we want our children to inherit.
100% Sustainability is a private investment initiative contributing to a more empathetic and regenerative impact economy.
Our vision is a world where everyone recognizes the interdependency of our globalized productive system, with all its positive and negative consequences.
Our theory of transformation posits that if we reach such deeper consciousness about our economy, then we can act to change the way things are made - and money is made - in light of the net positive and negative impacts it has on the well-being of society and the planet.
Our theory of change relies on activating our whole selves: skills, networks, investment and philanthropic capital, entrepreneurship, and other ways to influence the systemic change the world needs.
We recognize that our name might have become obsolete: we have now damaged the planet and marginalized many communities to such a large extent that achieving mere sustainability is not enough. Therefore, our portfolio aims to target regenerative investments that can proactively heal the Earth and its people.
We center our work on 3 focus areas, represented by the UN Sustainable Development Goals 13, 12, and 5 pictured above: mitigating climate change; eliminating exploitative supply chains; and reducing gender/LGBTQI+ and broader social inequalities. We recognize that without greater social justice and democracy, though, the UN SDGs cannot be achieved.
Our Investments
Ranging across all asset classes - from public equities and bonds, to VC, forestry, SME loans, philanthropic grants, etc. - all of our investments generate a blend of positive financial, social, and environmental returns.
What We Do
Learn about our impact strategy, view our progress report charts, and contact us.
Ready to take action? Here are the links to the organizations and resources that have inspired and supported us in our personal and professional journeys so far.